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BVH Management Committee Meeting Minutes – 18th June 2018

Minutes of Broadclyst Victory Hall Management Committee, held on June 18th, 2018 commencing at 7:00 pm in the Green Room

Trustees Present

  • Mrs J Cobbledick (JC)
  • Mrs A Shere (AS)
  • Mr S Staddon (SS)
  • Mr C Andrews (CA)
  • Mrs C Derham (CD)
  • Mrs A Browm (AB)
  • Mr M Albas



Approval of the minutes of the Committee meeting held on May 21st 2018 were signed a true record. Approval proposed by CR, seconded by AB

18/117 – Matters Arising

AS is having difficulty contacting Premier Roofing about the roof problem of the Green Room. Alcohol licence still being a problem. AS told that the form we filled in was the wrong one. The fresh form has now been accepted. We have to put a summary of it up around the building and publish it in the paper. Handyman Chris Pope has done a few jobs around the hall.

18/118 – Treasurer’s Report

Accepted by Committee. Proposed by AB, seconded by CR.

18/119 – Bookings

CR said there were a good number of bookings.

18/120 – Building and Maintenance

Little Angels have installed their storage boxes in the alley, Chairman suggested TV screens should be put up in the Wiltshire and Green Rooms. It was approved and it was agreed he should arrange it in a few weeks time.

18/121 – Social Club

Everything O.K.

18/122 – Tea Rota

Going well.

18/123 – Hall Café

KMJ and CR will speak to Danielle regarding boosting the use of the Café on Thursdays.

18/124 – Jubilee Room

Nothing to report.

18/125 – Any Other Business

CT will get quotes for replacing the Green Room outside doors. KMJ said she had received a quote for new curtains for the stage, back wall, flaps, skirt and installing them for £3,414.00. She is waiting for 1 more quote to come in. It was approved that the chairman should offer Tina the job as hall manager with more responsibilities with regular times off and with the help with the cleaning on condition she reports to the committee monthly and she recognizes the management make decisions for maximising the use of the hall.

Meeting closed at 8:30 pm.


The Broadclyst Theatre Group is putting on two Comedy and Supper evenings at the BVH on Friday 28th July and Saturday 29th July AT 7:30 pm. Tickets are available online or at Broadclyst Post Office.


We hope you find it easy to navigate. Besides listing repeat bookings we hope to advertise upcoming events, classes etc. It is intended to update it at least once a month. So keep an eye on it to see if there are any events, classes or clubs you might like to put on or attend.


The Broadclyst Victory Hall management committee intends to hold an open Forum before their meeting on 18th September. We hope that anyone in the parish who would like to put forward their ideas on improvements or amenities to the hall could do so at this event at the same time they could view the ideas and possible plans that the committee have come up with. All ideas will be considered at the following management meetings. Any results will be posted on the notice board in the hall or/and in the minutes which will be posted on this website.


Remember Meat Bingo is held here every Tuesday Doors Open at 6.30 pm
tea and coffee, cold drinks and crisps are served from 7.00 pm
EYES DOWN 7.45 pm
Good quality meat to be won
Intermission for refreshments and for the raffle to be drawn
This is an opportunity to meet up with folk for an entertaining and possible profitable evening amongst friends.


In May the village donned its party shoes and Abba outfits to dance the night away.

The event was well attended and very successful. Hopefully we will have many more happy occasions like this.

Broadclyst Youth Dance Class

There is a new dance class led by Kari Brooks for girls and boys aged from 11 to 13 Thursdays from 5.45 to 6.45 pm. £30 for an 8 week course.No previous experience necessary. For more information go to  

Source: New feed

Broadclyst Community Café

We are pleased to report that the Community Café which opens every Thursday morning at 9.15 am till noon is going from strength to strength. Our manager, Danielle Hammond, makes sure that there is a warm and friendly atmosphere and you can meet up with friends for a chat. There is a notice board of the events that are happening in and around the village and there is a local paper to catch up with all the news. There is a possibility that the café will open on another morning a week. For this to happen we would have to have more volunteers to come in now and again. Please drop in to see if you might like to help. 

Source: New feed

Sunday Night Entertainment

The Broadclyst Twinning Association has been putting on soup and entertainment on Sunday evenings once a month. In March it has been decided to change the day, time but not the venue. So ring 01404 822821 for information or watch this space. 

Source: New feed

Bingo !

Don’t forget Meat Bingo every Tuesday evening in the Main Hall. Wonderful meat prizes to be won in a lovely warm, friendly atmosphere.  

For information ring Anthea on 01392 461635

Source: New feed